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2013 LOOK BOOK by TOWN Magazine, Creative Commercial Photography, Greenvile SC

Over the past two months we have been working with TOWN magazine to produce a conceptual and creative set of pieces, showcasing some of the top businesses in the area.

I'm excited to announce that we are finally able to unveil the hard work of everyone involved and bring you a series of creative advertising imagery, different from their normal advertising styles.

We worked with each client and designed a custom image that would move them outside of their normal advertising box and into a more creative "mood-style" that would evoke a feeling rather than tell of a certain sale or product. Their business IS the product and the feeling is the essence of every business.

Over the next week, we will be bringing you new imagery from all the sponsors and participants.

Thank you for being here,


p.s. Check out "the story" section under each picture for more fun insider news!

The Story: We shot this for the very talented Gregory Ellenburg, and had the distinct honor of having Kym Petrie model for us. Kym is very familiar in the modeling world, having modeled many years for national magazines. Gregory tailor made the red dress to fit kym perfectly for this advertisement.

The Story: This was shot for Millie Lewis, a local talent agency. We were inspired by another Marilyn Monroe image, where she was rolling around on the grass doing her workout routine. So we dressed our model with a more vintage feel to mimic that era. The grass we shot on was actually fake turf, and the images surrounding the girl are all Millie Lewis models. We used different magazine sizes to add visual variety and photoshopped all the images on each spread surrounding the main girl.

The Story: Since the first time I met Lucian I've pictured a scene similar to the above shots. He gives off a very sophisticated aura, and this concept reminiscent of a "Garden & Gun" editorial was perfect to showcase several of his outdoor gentlemen pieces.

The Story: The is for Bubbly, a blow dry bar. We went through four bottles of Champagne and our studio still has some "leftover residue" on the ceiling area and floor! But the outcome was so worth it!

The Story: This was shot for Capello Salon. We found a model and they styled her as Marilyn Monroe; a nod to the icon which inspires them. I can't wait to feature some other images taken during this shoot that were just as striking. Alas, you can only choose one per ad!

The Story: We wanted to encourage a younger audience to be inspired to wear the clothing styles of Rush Wilson, a local Gentlemen's clothier. Inspired from recent editorials from GQ, we gave this series a look of fraternity brothers playing around and showing off for the ladies "off screen".

The Story: We wanted to give a very "national feel" to this Audi Ad. Car companies are notorious for pulling out all the stops and creating a big feel for their products and we didn't want to disappoint!

The Story: This idea was born in the creative minds of Dapper Ink themselves. Playing off the idea of the old-time newsies style, we combined the working vintage press and store mascot to create a truly memorable image.

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