• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in methodology (94)


Balance is not stillness (Cinematic Wedding Photography, SC)

I used to think that balance was stillness. I assumed if I could achieve balance, I'd be at peace, the eyes of my heart watching my circumstances, with me just outside the scene; a mere spectator in total stillness.

But I was wrong...

Balance is movement. The very fact that life is always moving, means if we stop at any point we are eventually moved along with life whether we like it or not. To respond to life as if we can stop it, by not moving with it or giving up, is absurd. What in life do we have control over?! There's only one thing. And that's how we respond to it. The art of balance is subtle movements back and forth, helping us stay centered. Too much one way or another is imbalance, and certainly staying on either side can be unhealthy. I confused the state of inner stillness with balance, because I was thinking of them as synonymous, when it fact they are complimentary.

In my movement, I can also be in stillness. And as I practice balance, I can also practice quieting my soul; remembering to be here now. I find that some of the most obvious things in life, are the hardest to be consistent at doing; and yet perseverance can yield amazing fruit that not only helps me, but mankind itself.

Will I ever achieve balance? I don't know, I'm too early in my journey to say. But I can guarantee this, if I choose to sit still, I will not be any closer to balance tomorrow, than I am today; in fact i may be farther away. The act of "doing" is powerful, not just for the sake of balance, but also for the sake of inner stillness. There seems to be a paradox at first glance with what I'm saying, but I find within paradox lies the truth. It's not that it's hard to find, we just keep ourselves too busy and full of noise, so that it's not easily accessible or seen. But if we seek it, we can find it.

Wishing you well on your journey, from one explorer to another.
learning to live better,



The Art of Living Life Pt 0.2 

I am not a wise person, I am simply a person willing to ask questions. I'm not sure I was always like this. My parents may believe I was, but somewhere along the lines, I started to fear the questions that mattered most. I assumed I knew the answers, or I told myself it didn't matter, but in fact it did.

One of the most important things we can do is ask. The power of the question has led to advances in medicine to discovering new frontiers. Albert Einstein reminds us that "the imagination is greater than reality", for he knew that reality is formed out of the imagination, not the other way around.

What we believe to be true today can be disproved tomorrow because of a question. New technology, better living, and current seeming conundrums can be solved if we first take the brave step of asking a question and answering it through our imagination.

One of the best ways to find the answers, is by creating space for it. By creating space, we open up ourselves to seeing the infinite possibilities that could be, rather than focusing on what we believe just is. How can creativity survive in a confined space? Creativity was meant to breathe and expand! Our imagination cannot fully be tapped if we don't allow space for it to grow.

I was once told we love to build an idea and then create an impenetrable wall around it, fearing its destruction. And by doing so, we limit future possibilities—greater possibilities. But we must remember that through every act of creation, there was an act of creating space to allow that creation to happen.

I don't have all the answers, and I'm okay with that. I am who I am, and I am where i am. I'm not standing still. And I hope you aren't either. I'm on a journey for an extraordinary life, one moment at a time…

learning to grow farther,


The Art of Living Life: pt0.1

There are universal experiences mankind faces, no matter where he's from. We are all born, live for some time and die. It's in between life and death where we have a chance to write our story. Our story may be one of riches and glory, or one of pain and despair, but we all have one. We all have free will and the ability to decide each day, what we will do with what we've been given.

It is my desire to become a deeper and more eloquent lover of life. This blog is more than showcasing my latest art, it's for sharing art that is my life. And as I become inspired, I want you to know. When I'm facing something hard, I want to share. When I feel love, admiration, self-pity, or nothing at all, I want to write the experience of an artists life, discovering the possibilities of "what could be" at any given moment.

There is no success without failure, joy without pain, or resolve without a reason to perservere. I am simply a journeyman and these are my tales.

I've recently been introduced a a piece of work twice in one day, from two different sources. Finding this fortuitous and lovely, I wanted to share a quote from this work.

learning to love better,

"I beg you, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."

- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet


2012 Getz_School Workshops are coming (find the workshops that are right for you!)

Expand your creative thought (Idea Workshops)
We believe a large part of success is all in how you think. Sure, it's great to learn about the latest technique, but without good foundational thought behind what you do, how can you get to where you want to go, without knowing where you're going?

We strive to to expand your thinking, helping to give you the stepping stones to push past your current level and onto your next breakthrough. It's not about your equipment or photoshop skills, it's about accessing tools inside you, to help you get where YOU need to be.

Increase your Photoshop Skills
Whether your new to photoshop or a seasoned veteran, we want to help take you to that next level in retouching prowess. Find personalized help in small classes to help you achieve new skills for a new year!

Take away your lighting butterflies (Lighting Workshops)
Photography is not just about ideas, it's about controlling the light inside those ideas. We know lighting can be intimidating. Let us help you demystify your lighting conudrums with one of our lighting workshops!

Become a better shooter (learn camera basics and beyond)
Whether you are a newbie or a serious amateur, let us help you in your ever expanding photographic journey.

Date & Times
With the new year right around the corner, we are preparing the schedule for all our latest workshops. We will be announcing our 2012 schedule shortly. Bundled discounts will be available as well as multiple dates throughout the year. If you have any questions, please contact us; we can't wait to meet you!

looking forward,


What Steve Jobs Taught Me

Today I lost a visionary, but his spirit still propels me forward. I never met Steve Jobs, but the ripple he left on the technological and creative world can be felt daily. In my own business, he has inspired me to be brave and to think different, holding on to what I believe in while I continue to make a better product; a more refined vision of the original.

Steve has blown my mind with what is possible. Bringing a company back from near extinction with innovations such as the ipod, itunes and the ipad, he showed me that critics don't decide your fate and shouldn't keep you paralyzed from the fear of failure, but that the only true failure is not continuing to try. For me, seeing an example is more powerful than reading a proverb or a quaint inspirational saying. Seeing a proverb lived out is more powerful than mere words. Actions combined with words accelerate belief even in my doubting phase.

I believe we all look for icons that bolster our resolve and make us want to be better at what we do, how we do it, and those we do it for. Steve Jobs was one of those icons for me. Though there are others out there, steve will not easily be replaced. It may be true that what one man can do, another man can do better, but no one can think quite think like you, or me or steve. We are unique. I may never impact the number of people steve has impacted, but for my short time in this life, I want to keep the essence of his spirit alive and push forward in my thinking, in my life, and in how I do business.

Today I lost a visionary, and maybe you did too. Remember the good he did, learn from his mistakes and go forward, living on purpose.

I will miss you steve.

much love,