Balance is not stillness (Cinematic Wedding Photography, SC)

I used to think that balance was stillness. I assumed if I could achieve balance, I'd be at peace, the eyes of my heart watching my circumstances, with me just outside the scene; a mere spectator in total stillness.
But I was wrong...
Balance is movement. The very fact that life is always moving, means if we stop at any point we are eventually moved along with life whether we like it or not. To respond to life as if we can stop it, by not moving with it or giving up, is absurd. What in life do we have control over?! There's only one thing. And that's how we respond to it. The art of balance is subtle movements back and forth, helping us stay centered. Too much one way or another is imbalance, and certainly staying on either side can be unhealthy. I confused the state of inner stillness with balance, because I was thinking of them as synonymous, when it fact they are complimentary.
In my movement, I can also be in stillness. And as I practice balance, I can also practice quieting my soul; remembering to be here now. I find that some of the most obvious things in life, are the hardest to be consistent at doing; and yet perseverance can yield amazing fruit that not only helps me, but mankind itself.
Will I ever achieve balance? I don't know, I'm too early in my journey to say. But I can guarantee this, if I choose to sit still, I will not be any closer to balance tomorrow, than I am today; in fact i may be farther away. The act of "doing" is powerful, not just for the sake of balance, but also for the sake of inner stillness. There seems to be a paradox at first glance with what I'm saying, but I find within paradox lies the truth. It's not that it's hard to find, we just keep ourselves too busy and full of noise, so that it's not easily accessible or seen. But if we seek it, we can find it.
Wishing you well on your journey, from one explorer to another.
learning to live better,