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What Steve Jobs Taught Me

Today I lost a visionary, but his spirit still propels me forward. I never met Steve Jobs, but the ripple he left on the technological and creative world can be felt daily. In my own business, he has inspired me to be brave and to think different, holding on to what I believe in while I continue to make a better product; a more refined vision of the original.

Steve has blown my mind with what is possible. Bringing a company back from near extinction with innovations such as the ipod, itunes and the ipad, he showed me that critics don't decide your fate and shouldn't keep you paralyzed from the fear of failure, but that the only true failure is not continuing to try. For me, seeing an example is more powerful than reading a proverb or a quaint inspirational saying. Seeing a proverb lived out is more powerful than mere words. Actions combined with words accelerate belief even in my doubting phase.

I believe we all look for icons that bolster our resolve and make us want to be better at what we do, how we do it, and those we do it for. Steve Jobs was one of those icons for me. Though there are others out there, steve will not easily be replaced. It may be true that what one man can do, another man can do better, but no one can think quite think like you, or me or steve. We are unique. I may never impact the number of people steve has impacted, but for my short time in this life, I want to keep the essence of his spirit alive and push forward in my thinking, in my life, and in how I do business.

Today I lost a visionary, and maybe you did too. Remember the good he did, learn from his mistakes and go forward, living on purpose.

I will miss you steve.

much love,

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