• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in seniors and kids (62)



Hello friends!

If you've been following us for even a little while, you know we love to take your pictures to the next level. In this shoot we used an awesome piece of furniture from our wonderful friend and artist Barb Blair of Knack Studios. This was the perfect piece to use, when creating a unique and comfy "home" for a new set of twin brothers.

wishing you well,


Johnson (little people shoot_partial)

Americana Series
Capturing children in their current stage are precious for us because they remind Michelle and I of the joy that our own children bring us and the profoundly different way kids perceive the world we live in. It's a refreshing change, that invites laughter and a joyful heart.

We're your neighbors, and we'd love to be part of your lives!
Michelle and I started this business five years ago with a passion for showing the connection between people, and wrapping it in an artistic vision that was unique and magical. We've grown quite a bit in that time, and our passion is greater today and more refined as we push forward.
We'd love to be part of your lives, and help capture the magic that is present in each of our neighbors lives.

Let us know if we can help. It would be an honor.

-TJ & Michelle


The Seasons of Lydia

My two boys are an amazing gift from God. They give me new smiles and encouragement every day of every season. Since the birth of my own children, I can't help but notice this change in perspective I've been given toward kids shots. Capturing children reminds me of my own. I can't help but relate to the wild and reckless abandon of my own kids, when I am shooting another's child, like lydia. I may be tired at the end of each shoot, but I'm having fun, running, playing and just letting the kid be a kid.

If you're ready for something special, filled with creativity and art. Contact us, and let us be part of your next best experience! :)

You can reach us at shootme@getzcreative.com or call us at 864-354-2548

much love,


join us! be part of a new perspective

Many people tell us they hate getting their picture taken, and that's understandable. We are a culture that wears masks. Masks keep us safe and away from others judging eye. However, there is one place we tend to let our hair down, and that is with our best friends.

Friends allow us to "just be". That's why I believe we look the most beautiful when we're hanging with our friends. It's not just because we're having a good hair day, "ate right", or even had an overall good day. It's because, we know that these people accept us for who we are—or at least more than most. :)

When a camera is shoved into your face, it's hard to retain that vulnerability that we let our friends see. A good photographer will always be able to connect and make you feel comfortable.
We've been told over and over how wonderful we've made a client look and feel. It's not an accident that your pictures turn out amazing. YOU are the key. You're already more beautiful and spirited than you realize, you just need to to relax and show it off.

At GetzCreative, we offer new perspectives, fun ideas, and a fresh approach that fits you like a friends embrace.

Come be part of new perspective on you.

Call or email us today for one of your many photographic options.
shootme@getzcreative.com 864-354-2548

wishing you well,
-TJ & Michelle


power to the people (little people too)

Hello All,

If there's a project that you'd like to see us undertake, send us a line and tell us about it.
We're always thinking of new ways we can bring something to you, that's different and exciting. We love creativity, and would love to have you be part of our creative thought.

we look forward to hearing from you.

much love,

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