• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in seniors and kids (62)


Father's Day Special!

Happy Father's Day!
This year get more AND spend less!
Save money and give Dad a special gift that he can keep close to his heart!

Get a getzcreative Little People portrait session and an 8×8 custom-designed album for dad, all for just $395!

50% off regular pricing!
Personalize your gift even further by adding up to 4 pages of personal art and notes for daddy.

Contact us today to schedule your unique father's day gift session. Limited time offer, now through May 31 only. First come, first served.

Call 864-354-2548 or e-mail us at photos@getzcreative.com today!
Price listed is for one child. For additional children, add $25 per child. Session price listed does not include tax.


a celebration of aiden


Happy Birthday Aiden Grey

Our second little guy is 1 year old today. This picture typifies his current life attitude minus nap and feeding times. We love you Aiden!!!


friday night lights: a senior portrait

Graduating from high school is a big milestone in life. It points to a culmination of events that says, "I've made it", "I'm ready for the next big thing!". It's a celebration in time that can only be experience once in a lifetime.

Let us help you celebrate this by capturing unique photos with true getzcreative flare!

We are now offering, to those who want to remember this awesome point in their life, a "senior life session" in the getzcreative style you've come to know and love. These aren't just another set of pictures, this is high concept, stylized photography, making a big deal of the big deal that is you graduating and moving into that "next step" in life!


turtle time!

"playing hard." what does that mean to you?

Does it mean you tire yourself, running after a ball toward a common goal?

Or does it mean chasing laughter like a butterfly on a windy day?

Maybe it means abandoning yourself to that inner child where laughter dwells and dreams collide with hope, colliding yet again with impossibilities?

For me, playing hard is finding that area where you push the worries, the grown-up fears, the hassle and stress, and run headlong into the life you want; the life you desire!

It's a journey, rather than a destination. And though it changes with you, it stays the same in the spirit of what it is.

It's that non-judgmental voice that frees you from the burden of your fears.

I believe playing hard is worth fighting for and worth having. Why don't more of us play hard? Why don't we run after it like it's our last chance at finding freedom?

My son in his turtle costume is playing hard. His focused energy colliding with his little dreams, manifesting itself in the form of" play." He yells, "daddy, play with me!" and promptly runs to get the broom so I can sword fight with him as he grabs an old plastic window rod. "let's wrestle!" he exclaims with more vigor than i felt I had all day. And yet, when I do listen and play, running through the parking lot, screaming at the top of my lungs, jumping through mud puddles in the rain, and catching him as he falls, I find true joy and I find myself playing hard.