• Why choose us when you have friends with digital cameras?

  • Choosing a photographer: The value of the little things

  • Before/After: What are you paying for?

  • A letter from a mom, senior portrait experience

Entries in couples (103)


Kevin & Carolyn

We had so much fun shooting Kevin and Carolyn's in-love session. American flags, old doors and ancient mills fill this session, giving it a beautiful "Americana" atmosphere.

It is said "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Kevin & Carolyn's session is inspired from the idea of two hearts beating for each other, while being separated by a long distance—in this case continents. Kevin is one of our many grooms who is serving in the military. We wanted this shoot to reflect the connection they have in the waiting, patriotism of the American hero, and the fun side they share with each other.

Kevin & Carolyn, thank you for letting us being part of your lives. We loved getting to know you and making new friends!

much love,

horizontal of couple leaning against door on opposite sides - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

horizontal of couple laying on door in field of grass - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

ring shot - couple against door - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple against door on opposite sides holding hands - couple kissing by ladder at sunset - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple by stream and mill - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple leaning on mill - couple leaning on ladder at sunset - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

black and white of couple kissing by mill - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple by mill - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple kisses on the cheek by the mill - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

 silhouette of couple by mill - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

portrait of her in front of door - portrait of him in front of door- engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple holding hands on opposite sides of door - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

portrait of her in front of flag - couple leaning on ladder at sunset - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

 - portrait of her laying on moss covered rock - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

portrait of him in front of american flag - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple having fun on moss covered rock - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

portrait of her on moss covered rock - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple with her in focus and he is out of focus by american flag - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple with him in focus and she is out of focus by american flag - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

portrait of her in front of american flag - engagement photography session - Greenville South Carolina - Charleston South Carolina - Charlotte North Carolina - Asheville North Carolina - Atlanta Georgia Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina


Josh & Kara (in-love:partial)

Lots of fun and laughter ensued when we took Josh & Kara on their family getzperience! Thank you Josh and Kara. It was so much fun getting to know you and be part of showing your connection to one another!

much love,

couple leaning against wall about to kiss - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Couple leaning against wall about to kiss - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple leaning against wall kissing neck - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Couple leaning against wall kissing neck - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple laying in field nuzzling face to face - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Couple laying in field nuzzling face to face - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple at sunset laughing as he embraces her - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Couple at sunset laughing as he embraces her - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

couple at sunset embracing each other - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Couple at sunset embracing each other - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

Guy with guitar - engagement photography session  - greenville south carolina Guy with guitar - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

her in focus foreground him out of focus background - engagement photography session - greenville south carolinaBride in focus foreground groom out of focus background - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

Woman - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Woman - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

Mom with baby - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Mom with baby - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina

Dad with baby - engagement photography session - greenville south carolina Dad with baby - Engagement Photography Session - Greenville South Carolina


Motorcycles & Airwaves


Two New Video Slideshows! (video links below)

I am currently in Arizona, but when I return, I will post more work from both the Music in the Rye & the Polaroids and Apple Orchards in-love sessions.

To hold you over, I have posted the videos for both sessions in each of their posts

thank you for being here,


Polaroids & Apple Orchards (sneak peek)

The Assignment
Capturing moments as they happen are perhaps the only way, besides memory, in which we can "steal" the past and bring it into the present. Perhaps that is what makes photographs so important and close to our hearts. For Annie and Jeremy, we wanted to communicate the idea of capturing their love, not only in the present moment, but also showing their journey from the past as well. Before their photo shoot with us, we asked them to photograph themselves doing various things together, from places they went, to the the common day-to-day tasks, like going to the drive-thru and grilling, or taking time to relax on the couch.

It's not JUST a photo session
The idea behind every shoot we do, is to show the connection in the relationship. Life has the ability to push us to the edge, and slowly take from us the awe and wonder that we used to see in every day. Everyday responsibilities make it hard for couples to connect to each other, like they did in their past. Our Photography sessions are more than pictures. We create a space to help couples have fun. We're a mini-vacation from life that gives you a chance to bring your heart closer to the one you love...

Here is a peek into their amazing session. If you would like a session of your own, we'd love the opportunity to work with you. Call or email today—864-354-2548 or shootme@getzcreative.com. Give yourself a vacation. Allow yourself a chance to play. :)

much love,

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